National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
An incredible 6 week research trip, on the NIWA research vessel Kaharoa, down to the waters surrounding the uninhabitable Auckland Islands in the southern ocean.

In between weather bombs, the team manages to get out to explore and soak up the remoteness of it all.

The cold endless task of researchers sorting, measuring, tagging and releasing the Scampi, the research here is used to try to sustainably allocate the fishing quotas for the coming years.

With all the wild weather and moisture in the air there's always rainbows and sometimes double rainbows. As you can see the vessel is a working ship, about practicality not comfort!

Lead scientist/researcher recording the 1000s of samples.

Master and mate, making sure all the equipment is ready to go, down in the southern ocean you don't usually get many second chances to drop nets or cameras so it all has to be constantly looked after.

Its a long way back to NZ, 465 km or 289 nm!

Master enjoying a quiet moment in the "chair"

two sides of expertise, this photo won the peoples choice awards in the NIWA photo competition.

Wheelhouse smiles, you got to take it when you can, after getting thrown around days on end everyone has a smile on their faces when we drop the "pick" for the night.

Retailing at NZ$130 per kilogram, these Scampi are a heavy hitters for the seafood export industry, the scampi don't usually make it to the domestic market as they are whisked away overseas.

One of my favourite photos, when you are all squashed in a boat together quiet space is incredible hard to come by, so you have to create your own space.

"THE ENGINEER" one of the toughest jobs on the planet

While safely anchored in Tagua Bay, you still get 65 knot winds whipping up the swells, creating water spouts, moving across the surface.